In this article I will explain you things that you should know about DNS. We think we all know what DNS is and how it works, but we get sloppy at times. So, I decided to dig deep into DNS. I decided to write what I learned. I may not be able to include everything, but I will try to include things that you should know about DNS. So, let's begin by learning what is DNS?
What is DNS?
According to cloudflare,"Domain Name System" - DNS in Short - is like the phonebook of internet". Similar to a phonebook, we search username and try to tally with respective number, DNS works in similar way, by finding current IP associated with respective domain name. According to Amazon, "DNS is a service which translates human readable domain name ( into machine readable IP addresses ( DNS is the backbone of the internet, without it you will not be able to visit all the website. Imagine, remembering all the IP addresses for your favorite websites.
How does DNS works?
When user requests any webpage in the browser and presses ENTER key, user computer (DNS client) performs something called DNS query. DNS Query is query requesting IP address of the server where DNS client has to look to fetch the content of the website. Basically, a DNS query is just requesting an IP associate with the domain.
Now, you must have some idea of how DNS works, it resolves domain name into IP. There is another things that you should be aware of which is DNS Hierarchy.
Image above is the DNS hierarchy structure. From the image above you can see how DNS is structured, on the top there is root server, below those there are TLD (Top Level Domain) servers, below those there are authoritative DNS server, and so on.
Moving forward, there are few terminologies that you need to know before knowing how DNS query works.
They are:
- Stub Resolver: A stub resolver is a program running in the host operating system. It acts as the intermediate between DNS resolver and application requiring DNS resolution.
- Name Server: A Name server is a server on which DNS software is installed. It is a server which manages all the domain names associated with their customer if it is a hosting provider. If a company hosts their own name server then, it contains records which points domain query to associated server.
- DNS Resolver: Before checking for the associated IP address in the internet, there is a component which checks in local cache of local DNS server, whether the IP for the associated domain is there or not. This component is known as DNS Resolver.
- Root DNS Server: This the the topmost server in the DNS hierarchy. It is usually symbolized as dot i.e "." . This is the first place where DNS query hits while resolving from domain name to IP. Root DNS server is the DNS server for root zone or ".". These are the authoritative DNS server that server root domain. There are 13 root DNS server which is managed by IANA under ICANN.
- TLD DNS Server: TLDs are the highest level of domain name in the DNS hierarchy of the internet apart from root which is hidden. TLDs are the domain name that comes after the last dot in the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). For example: In domain, ".com" is the TLD or Top Level Domain, in domain ".net" is the TLDs. It is looked after and managed by IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority).
- Authoritative DNS Server: It is the DNS server which has ultimate authority for that given domain. In other words, this DNS server holds up to date information about the given domain. Authoritative DNS server is the last stop in the DNS query process.
Since you are now aware of DNS hierarchy and terminologies used. We can move forward to learn more about DNS query.
There are four types of DNS queries in DNS:
1. Iterative DNS query:
Iterative query can be understood using image below:
In iterative DNS query, it asks the referred DNS server for the best answer which the server has regarding the domain. when DNS client request for the domain then, it is first sent to the DNS resolver. If it has the relevant information of the domain in its cache then it returns the same. If not, it refers us with referral to the root server. The root server checks its records and then if it did not find any, then it does not query other servers but instead refer us another DNS server which might have the answer, after getting the referral, it queries the referred DNS server for answer. DNS resolver must iterate like this until it find the information which it eventually finds in respective domain Authoritative DNS server. So, from number 2 till number 7 is the iterative part of the iterative query process.
2. Recursive DNS query
Recursive DNS query can be understood by using the image from the above iterative query. In the above diagram on number 1 and number 8 it is getting a response back. This is recursive part of the recursive DNS query where the DNS resolver in this case the local DNS server "must" but provide back a response whether it be the resolved IP or the error message i.e domain or server not found message. Note this, during recursive phase of query, the DNS server MUST provide back some response. Other than this, from number 2 to number 7 its all iterative.
3. Non-recursive DNS query
This one is a bit interesting, this type of queries are the queries that your server is authoritative for. For example, if your local DNS server is authoritative DNS server for then when you query to your local DNS server, then it does not need to go through all those iterative process to provide you with response.
4. Inverse query
Inverse query are the query opposite of normal host name to IP query. They are also call reverse mapping or reverse lookup query.
After you all of these things, you should know what DNS Zone is?
So, What is a Zone?
A zone is a specific portion of the DNS namespace which is managed by organization or administrator. DNS Zone provides a granular control of the namespace. A DNS Zone starts at a domain in the DNS hierarcy and can extend down to its subdomains so that it is managed by single authority. A Zone is not a domain but a portion of the DNS namespace stored in a file. A zone might contain multiple nodes in the DNS namespace tree.
Now, we need know what are records and types of records in DNS.
So, What is a DNS record and what are their types?
A DNS records are the entries in DNS Zone configuration file which have their specific function during translation. With help of records DNS query can achieve complete resolution. There are different types of DNS records. They are A, SOA, CNAME, MX, SRV, TXT, AAAA which are the most widely used DNS records. There are other DNS records which are experimental such as MG, MB, MR, NULL.
I will be explaining in depth about these records when we configure our own DNS server. Till then this information should be enough to give you overview of DNS. Now, since we have most of the knowledge that is required about DNS, now we should be ready to set up our own DNS server. I will be configuring DNS server on next article.
Thank you for reading till the end :). Please leave a feedback if you think other things could be included in there.
Practical implementation:
FYI, Other than RRSIG everything is self explanatory. RRSIG stands for RRset Signature, it holds DNSSEC signature for a record. Using this resolvers can verify signature with public key stored in DNSKEY-record.
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Prabesh is an avid Linux enthusiast and open source advocate. He is currently working as a DevOps engineer in Audinate. He has completed his masters in networking with major in computer security. Professionally he works DevOps in day and tkinter around with technologies and research during the night.
Get connected with Prabesh :